Baseline U/S and Bloodwork

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  (a new year’s post to come shortly after this one-most likely tomorrow though-sorry!)

Yesterday (Monday), T and I went for our baseline appointment.  The purpose is to “officially” give the okay to begin injections.  I had an ultrasound (again) so they can document (again) the size of my chocolate cyst and determine if everything is “quiet” in my woman parts land.  Saturday was my last bcp, and I have been having pain on the evil left side so I was slightly worried.  The NP did say there were some small fibroids on that side, but I know it’s lingering endo.  Either way, I got the green light to begin injections on Thursday.  Oh, and I had the pleasure of giving blood to set a baseline for my estrogen, hcg, and a few other levels they monitor over the next few weeks.

We were able to get a demonstration from the ivf nurse on how to administer the two daily injections I will be giving myself over the next 11 days.  For the first, I will be using a Follistim Pen to stimulate the ovary to encourage it to grow several eggs instead of the usual one.  They call it a pen because it looks like a pen, but I’m thinking pen is more relaxing than scary needle.  This is exciting, but also frightening.  Not all eggs that are grown will be viable.  Sometimes out of 25 you may only have 6 that are able to be fertilized.  Imagine anyway having 25 eggs ready to be released!  Seriously?  For the medical knowledge challenged, women release ONE egg each month.  The ivf nurse previously told me she saw someone have 37 eggs removed.  Ouch.  They cannot estimate how many eggs I will produce, but they have me set to start with 225IU of Follistim. We’ll see how many eggs that gets us.  On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of next week I go in for check-ins – ultrasounds and bloodwork to monitor the stimulation.  As I’ve mentioned in a prior post, ovarian hyperstimulation is a risk, but by monitoring the process they can catch it before it happens really.  My dosages for next week will be determined by those ultrasounds and bloodwork.  Let’s hope the planned dosage amounts work out so we don’t have to spend any more money on medication.  The second injection is a lowdose hcg (.2ml), which also helps to mature the eggs.  I found this helpful link that explains the use of hcg with Follistim-click here.

11 days.  Easy.  We got this.

11 days. Easy. We got this.

There are other medications I have here waiting to be explored, but for now we focus on the two injections.  Baby steps, right?

Happy New Year!


About KB, Twin Mom

T&K--this year we celebrate 10 years of marriage. It took three years of ttc (trying to conceive), but we are now the proud parents to A&L, our g/b twins. A&L turn 6 this fall! Journey to Parenthood (now known as Twin Mom Life) was started to share our story and track our (in)fertility journey as we moved towards parenthood. Now the blog is about life as a twin mom, dealing with endometriosis, my healthy living journey, and life in general.
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2 Responses to Baseline U/S and Bloodwork

  1. Wow! we are almost on the same schedule! You are starting your fertility meds a little earlier than I am. I am on my Lupron shots now – to suppress my ovulation. I should be starting my Follistim and HCG shots after my next appointment on 1/10/13. (Fingers crossed. I have a doc appt for blood tests, an ultrasound (while on my period – YUCK!) and the instructions on how to use the Follistim pen….any tips or hints you can give me would be greatly appreciated!) My “Baby Graham Day” – as we are calling it – should be January 25th – so it looks like we will be having our “baby days” at around the same time! 🙂 I’m super excited!

    I love reading other people’s blogs – to see that I am not alone in this battle. Good luck to you guys – I will be sending my prayers and thoughts your way. 🙂

    • K says:

      Hi there! I just made a post about the injections. I wasn’t going to, but then I figured people do want to know, so I might as well. 🙂 My biggest tip would just be similar to your last post. It’s not as difficult as it sounds. 🙂 For the hcg, if you are going to take a lowdose for stimulation, just push it in fast because the needle is a little thicker (at least on mine it was). Oh, and don’t forget to hold the pen in for the 5 seconds. I forgot! lol.
      I’m so excited too! Good luck to you as well.
